Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Petition Aftermath and the British Journal of Canine Science

Well it has been a crazy few months, the pandemic really threw things out of sync for me as I have had to steer my business around the rocky outcrops of the COVID sea, and adjust to life teaching in  an actual college in Oxford, rather than the private work I had been doing for years. What with that, my PhD work in human rights, and my dabbling in animal rights/welfare, I have had to neglect writing updates for this site. I shall do better.

The dust has now settled following the “debate” for my petition, Replace BSL with a new Statutory Framework. Whilst the fight was always going to be a tough one, there was a little glimmer of hope having spoken with Elliott Colburn MP (he was the one who introduced it). Sadly, and I believe with the sole aim of silencing the campaign, the debate was listed with just over a week’s notice (most MPs don’t get through emails that quickly so would have been unaware of my representations or any emails from those who signed the petition). Only the required attendees were there, i.e. Elliott Colburn on behalf of the Petitions Committee, a spokesperson for the opposition and a spokesperson for DEFRA.

Clearly there was going to be no meaningful discussion. Then again all meaningful discussions previously have failed to get anywhere. The ludicrous issue is, the alternatives to repeal were not even discussed. As Elliott said, they could be effected with secondary legislation, and take no time from the legislative schedule. When the dust has settled a bit more, I will make representations to Lord Goldsmith as appropriate.

So where else do we go from here? You might be interested in Anita’s new petition so do check that out For my part, I am interested in the long anticipated Middlesex University report, which is being peer reviewed. Until I have had sight of that, I feel I should hold my tongue. There are only so many things that can be done in our time on this planet, and so I want to know the Government’s next move  before doing anything that may turn out to be a waste of time. Victoria Prentis (speaking for DEFRA) was a little cryptic in places (although I think we can take for granted that little will change) and sometimes it is impossible to know what is just around the corner.

Once the report is out, another petition may be on the cards but we must also remain mindful that there is no obligation for Parliament to hold a debate on a petition. One of the reasons they refuse to hold a debate is that one has already been held recently.

For more info on the meeting I had with the Petitions Committee, please have a listen to the podcast I present with Hannah B,

Well, I must leave further discussion for a new blog entry, so as not to bombard you on this revival. However, I think it worth giving you a sneak preview: there is a new academic journal, literally just born: The British Journal of Canine Science (sorry all those who love the others of our animal friends, something else may be appropriate in the future). The journal is recruiting volunteers for the editorial board, focusing on canine science topics ranging from the evolution of the dog to dog law. Interested parties should email

One last thing, please do check out the revamped website for the Abused Pet Refuge Project (

Next time I will make more effort to get the vegan recipes back on with some plant based food reviews, and will start to look over all the different petitions that are now circulating relating to animal welfare. We will also be looking at some great fund raising ventures being undertaken by Dog Desk Action.

Look after each other, human and non-human animals alike.

A slight pause in my animal welfare work - and an important message.

At the risk of making you think this blog about animal welfare and justice is a mere vanity project, I need to take a little excursus from t...